Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Boston University Communication Students Ill-informed about Marriott Murder

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Map of Marriot Hotel in Relation to Boston University Campus

Map Courtesy of Google Maps

By Williette Nyanue

BOSTON-Though there is excitement at Boston University surrounding the recent murder at the Marriott Hotel just minutes away from the university, and arrest of B.U. medical student, Philip Markoff, many College of Communication students have not been intently following the details of the case.

“Can you just give me some background information?” This is the question three consecutive students asked on Tuesday afternoon, when they were approached for their response to the recent arrest of Markoff, the alleged murderer.

“I only heard about it because my grandma called and was like ‘AHH! I heard there was
a murder at BU,’ ” said Christa Majoras, a 21-year-old film student.

Though she does occasionally write for the schools newspaper, in regards to the recent details of the case, she admits, “I am pretty uninformed about it.”

Even those students who have knowledge on the murder are not fully aware of the events surrounding the arrest.

21-year-old Allison Strauss said she first read about the case from a link on the social website Twitter. She followed up by reading the articles published in the school’s newspaper, Daily Free Press, and on the school’s website, BU Today.

These sources, however, were published before the arrest of Markoff, and were outdated within minutes as the story continued to develop.
When asked her opinion on the guilt or innocence of Markoff, she admitted she was not aware of the actual evidence brought against Markoff.

“Oh I’m not that informed,” Strauss said.

While students seem to have a general knowledge of the case and can understand the gravity of the situation, Katherine Razzouk, a junior in the college, reminded reporters that the life of a college student doesn’t stop because of a nearby murder.

“I’m sorry,” said Razzouk. “I’ve had a lot of work to do and have been in a hole lately. I have two papers to write and I’m kind of out of it.”
