Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Update: President Obama's Second Prime Time News Conference

Photo Courtesy of MinnesotaPublicRadio.org

By Williette Nyanue


Growing Defict: President Obama planned to possibly sacrifice a growing deficit, in order to reform healthcare, energy, education, and budget spending. "Let's make the investments that ensure that we meet our growth and target, as opposed to us not making these investments, and we still have these problems," said President Obama. The president did, however, plan to cut the deficit in half by instating these reforms. "If we don't do these things, we won't grow," said Obama.

No Global Currency: President Obama said that he did not think there was a need for a global currency.

Homeless Children: "I am heartbroken that any child is homeless," said Obama and he planned to alleviate this situation by making sure that their parents have jobs in the immediate future. "It is not acceptable for children and families to be without a roof over their heads in a country as wealthy as ours," said President Obama. The president planned to put into action programs and reforms to aid the homeless.

Race: "The American people are judging me the way that I should be judged," said Obama.


  1. I liked how you broke up each question into a category. Great blog!

  2. I agree with Johanna. Stating the question as a quick phrase made it easy to follow.
